2N7000BU, МОП-транзистор, N Канал, 200 мА, 60 В, 5 Ом, 10 В The 2N7000BU is an advanced small-signal N-channel enhancement-mode MOSFET produced using Fairchild’s proprietary high cell density DMOS technology. It minimizes ON-state resistance while providing rugged, reliable and fast switching performance. It can be used in most applications requiring up to 400mA DC and can deliver pulsed currents up to 2A. It is particularly suited for low-voltage, low-current applications, such as power MOSFET gate drivers and other switching applications.
• Fast switching times
• Improved inductive ruggedness
• Lower input capacitance
• Extended safe operating area
• Improved high-temperature reliability
Полупроводники — ДискретныеТранзисторыМОП-транзисторы